Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Wachstum und Entwicklung

Herzlich willkommen zu unserem Forschungsseminar! Die folgenden Forscher sind an dem Seminar beteiligt:

Prof. Börner, Prof. Fertig, Prof. Grieben, Prof. Kopsidis   

Das Seminar findet mittwochs persönlich (wenn nicht anders angegeben) um 18:00 Uhr im Raum SRI im Hauptgebäude des Fachbereichs (Große Steinstraße 73) statt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Dr. Hakon Albers ().

Wir freuen uns, in diesem Semester die folgenden Referenten zu begrüßen:

24. April 2024

Prof. Sébastien Pouget, PhD    (University of Toulouse, Toulouse School of Economics)   

The Development of Corporate Governance: Toulouse Companies from the Middle Ages onward   

08. May 2024

Prof. Dr. Jörg Baten (University of Tübingen)   

„So many insights ...”: New archaeological and big data strategies for long-term economic studies of the past 12,000 years

22. May 2024

Senior Lecturer Li Chen, PhD    (University of Gothenburg)   

Designing Heaven's Will: The job assignment in the Chinese imperial civil service   

05. June 2024

Dr. Sumit Deole    (University of Trier)   

Economic Preferences and the Self-selection of Immigrants   

THURSDAY 13. June 2024, 12:15
Lecture hall/Hörsaal XXIII, AUDIMAX building

Prof. Dr. Alexander Moradi    (University of Bozen-Bolzano)   

Narratives from European-African encounters

3. July 2024

Ass. Prof. Alain Naef, PhD    (ESSEC Business School, Paris)   

Swiss money, Portuguese ships and enslaved people from Angola: the Purry, Mellish Devisme company

Im Wintersemester 2023/24 hatten wir die folgenden Referenten:

1. Nov. 2023

Prof. Eric Chaney, PhD    (University of Oxford)   

Modern Library Holdings and Historic City Growth   

15. Nov. 2023

Ass. Prof. Domenico Rossignoli, PhD    (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan)   

The Cross and the Sword. Religious Identity, Land Ownership, and Conflict: Evidence from Six Centuries of English History

29. Nov. 2023

Prof. Kirsten Wandschneider, PhD (University of Vienna)   

Currency Wars and Monetary Regime Disintegration

13. Dec. 2023

Prof. Dr. Jochen Streb (University of Mannheim)   

How the West was Settled. The Location Choice of East German Companies Migrating to West Germany after World War II   

17. Jan. 2024

Ass. Prof. Felix Schaff, PhD    (European University Institute Florence)   

Inheritance and Inequality in a Pre-Modern Economy

31. Jan. 2024,

Prof. Martin Ivanov, PhD    (Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”    and Center for Advanced Study CAS Sofia   )

Did Living Standards Actually Improve Under State Socialism? Evidence From Bulgaria 1924-1989

Im Sommersemester 2023 hatten wir die folgenden Referenten:

19. April 2023

Stefan Nikolić, PhD    (Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy, Bocconi University)   

Spatial inequality in prices and wages: Town-level evidence from the First Globalisation   

17. May 2023

Prof. Mario A. Maggioni, PhD (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan)   

The Elusive Quest: what I learned (and what I published) about experiments dealing with development and growth

THURSDAY 1. June 2023, 16:15

Prof. Nuno Palma, PhD    (University of Manchester)   

Justices of the Peace: Legal Foundations of the Industrial Revolution

14. June 2023

Prof. Georgios Chortareas, PhD (King’s College London)   

Equilibrium Real Interest Rates and Monetary Policy (Mis)perceptions

28. June 2023

Prof. Jordi Domenech, PhD    (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)   

Land Reform and Rural Voting in Interwar Europe: Evidence from Spain before Civil War

12. July 2023

Dr. Chris Colvin    (Senior Lecturer in Economics, Queen's University Belfast)   

Mind Your Language: The Decline of the Irish Language in the Nineteenth Century

Im Wintersemester 2022/23 hatten wir die folgenden Referenten:

Im Sommersemester 2022 hatten wir die folgenden Referentinnen und Referenten:

21. April 2022

Mariusz Lukasiewicz, Ph.D. (University of Leipzig)   

Finance, Investment and Decolonisation in Nigeria: Early market formation and participation on the Lagos Stock Exchange, 1957-1967

12. May 2022

Dr. Felix Kersting    

(Humboldt University Berlin)   

Industrialization, capital accumulation, and wealth inequality

02. June 2022

Prof. Debin Ma, Ph.D.   ,

(University of Oxford)   

Ideology and Economic Change: The Contrasting Paths to the Modern Economy in late 19th Century China and Japan (online)

23. June 2022

Prof. Kıvanç Karaman, Ph.D.   

(Boğaziçi University Istanbul   )

Prices and Real Exchange Rates in Europe: The Long Run View (online)

30. June 2022

Prof. Dr. Markus Lampe   

(Vienna University of Economics and Business)   

Deliberate Surrender? The Impact of Interwar Indian Protection (online)

07. July 2022

Prof. Sibylle Lehmann-Hasemeyer, PhD   

(University of Hohenheim)   

Regional stock exchanges to alleviate information asymmetries? Evidence from 120 years of going public in Germany (online)

Im Wintersemester 2021/22 hatten wir die folgenden Referenten (alle online aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie):

04. November 2021

Dr. Matthias Mertens   

(IWH Halle Institute of Economic Research)   

European firm concentration and aggregate productivity   

18. November 2021

Ass. Prof. José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez, PhD (Yale University)   

Playing Checkers in Chinatown   

02. December 2021

Prof. Dr. Alexander Moradi   

(University of Bozen-Bolzano)   

Ethnic Homogenization and Public Goods: Evidence from Kenya’s Land Reform Program

16. December 2021

Prof. Dr. Markus Ludwig (University of Braunschweig)   

Bronze Age Trade, Elite Formation and Civilization

13. January 2022

Prof. Dr. Mark Spoerer (University of Regensburg)   

State power, state capacity and economic growth: Germany in the "long" 19th century

10. February 2022

Prof. Dr. Gerben Bakker (London School of Economics)   

Valuing Hollywood’s Film Libraries: Technology Shocks and Copyright Portfolios in the Motion Picture Industry, 1948 – 2018

Im Sommersemester 2021 hatten wir die folgenden Referentinnen und Referenten (alle online aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie):

Im Wintersemester 2020/21 hatten wir die folgenden Referentinnen und Referenten (alle online aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie):

12. Nov. 2020

Dr. Charlotte Bartels, DIW Berlin   

The distribution of wealth in Germany, 1895-2018   

26.Nov. 2020

Ass. Prof. Dr. Christian Ochsner, CERGE-EI Prague   

Mobilizing history   

10. Dec. 2020

Prof. Paul Sharp, PhD, University of Southern Denmark   

The Sleeping Giant Who Left for America: The Determinants and Impact of Danish Emigration During the Age of Mass Migration
14. Jan. 2021

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Pfister, University of Münster   

The economic geography of Germany, 1500-1850: Effects of market integration and state formation on the size and spatial distribution of cities

28. Jan. 2021

Prof. Saumitra Jha, PhD (Stanford GSB)   

Swords into Bank Shares    

11. Feb. 2021

Prof. Jared Rubin, PhD (Chapman University)   

Political Legitimacy and the Institutional Foundations of Constitutional Government: The Case of England

Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie im Sommersemester 2020 mussten wir alle geplanten Präsentationen verschieben.

Im Wintersemester 2019/20 hatten wir die folgenden Referenten zu Gast:

14.11.2019Market Design and Long-Run Economic Growth: An Interacted VAR Analysis for Pre-Modern City Data
12.12.2019Liquidity and stock issues at the Berlin Stock Exchange, 1898–1913
09.01.2020Finding the right balance: The case of Dutch loan funds, 1850-1920
The paper is joint work with Amaury de Vicq (Utrecht University).
16.01.2020Losing the Gains from Trade. Evidence from the Trade Multiplier of the Great Depression
30.01.2020The Deep Roots of Rebellion: Evidence from the Irish Revolution

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